Working towards a ban on animal testing for cosmetics in Russia.
November 2014
On Monday, 27th of November, our founder and CEO, Anna Kogan, and the president, Anastasia Komagina, took part in the Parliamentary Round table discussing the possibility of introducing a ban on animal testing in the cosmetics industry in Russia.
Among other participants was Nick Palmer, the director of Cruelty Free International and a member of the British Labour Party. Forgotten Animals is an official advisor to the Russian Parliament on the issue of animal cruelty in Russia.
Animal testing for cosmetics still happens.
Over 80% of the world allows animals to be used in cruel and unnecessary cosmetics tests and these animal tested cosmetics can be purchased in every country across the globe.
Dr. Palmer says: “We are delighted to have got the ball rolling on ending animal tests for cosmetics in Russia. Cruelty Free International and our partners will continue to do all we can to help Russia go cruelty-free.”
Also, during the meeting Forgotten Animals proposed to work closely with all stakeholders including the laboratories and national cosmetics companies in search of humane and safe alternatives to animal testing. “We realise that the change will not happen overnight, and will be happy to support a stepped phasing-out process”, says Anna Kogan.
This work will require a great effort on our part, moral and financial help from our dear supporters. Please spread the word and consider making a donation to help us get the bill into the Parliament in December 2015.
A selection of the coverage in the Russian-speaking media we received:
- testirovaniya-kosmetiki-na-zhivotnyh-mozhet-poyavitsya-ne-ranee-dekabrya-2015-goda.html