‘Rather than thinking I am right, I started asking myself ‘how do I know I am right’ ? ’
‘Pain + Reflection = Progress ’
(Ray Dalio, Founder of Bridgewater, the largest and most successful investment fund in the world managing more than 1 trillion USD in assets.)
Forgotten Animals Principles:
- We practice radical honesty – all opinions, that are backed by arguments , not just emotion, are voiced. We discuss pro’s and con’s and arrive to the best possible solution for the cause
- Our number one focus and priority, the thing we measure everything on: how can we reduce as much animal suffering as possible in the long run?
- We remember that we don’t think the same way as the people we try to change
- Despite caring about doing the right thing for animals first and not prioritizing being liked or popular, we realise that the change for animals lies in shifting people’s mindsets and attitudes, making them the driving force of the change. That is why we try to “speak the same language” with each and every individual we deal with, try and place ourselves in their shoes in order to understand why they do what they do and only then offer a compelling argument against it, an alternative, a way to do it differently, for the benefit of animals. Prioritizing the right thing over being liked doesn’t mean we don’t care how we come over to our donors – we have to make sure that what we are doing is argued and explained well where needed. That is how we have and will continue to gain respect.
- Our communication with the outside world AND each other is polite, truthful and said in a way you would want to be spoken to
- You , me , everyone will make mistakes. Making them is not bad, not acknowledging them early can be detrimental to the cause. So let’s be honest and open about our mistakes and discuss them in the team, so we can learn from each other and grow
- Some of us already doing this quiet well -> work on issues & tasks with each other, without my involvement (unless it involves financial or other big decisions and requires my approval). Reach out to each other even if you don’t know each other well, we are all here for everyone.
- Anyone can raise an issue with me, even if the issue concerns something in disagreement with me (whom?), without being worried about how I will take it. I am pragmatic enough to know, that by reasoning together we will arrive at best answer
- Before taking on a project or spending time on something, think of what your goals are, do thorough research to check whether this action is the best way to reach a goal. All projects we undertake need continues research- pre-, during and post- intervention.
- As we often get overwhelmed with stuff, we have to prioritize. (For me it helps to start at the top and see what I want to achieve each week/month: 1 Urgent & Important 2) Important & non urgent 3) Not important but urgent 4) Not urgent not important . And I work through tasks in this order. Important is prioritized as most impact / closer to goal.
- We value experience, facts, research, observations over emotions as this is the most impactful way for any organisation.
- We avoid distractions, pick who we say what to in the outside world, don’t engage in discussions if there is no clear goal you can get through it. Whilst we can disagree with others, we don’t attack the other person, even if they attack us. We are calm, polite, courteous and always back our answers with facts/stats.
- We respect each other and each other’s time by: being on time, communicating directly and clearly, doing what you promised you would do or giving advance notice if we can’t so alternate arrangements can be made
- We speak to each how we would like to be spoken to. We always look for root causes of issues, ask questions and gain knowledge before building the strategy
- If we don’t know something, its OK – we take the time to find out on our own or ask others
- We share our triumphs and analyse / evaluate impact after every project, and share our findings, not just move from one task to another.
- Every little or boring task is important and people doing it- valued. We cannot have an organisation where people are only doing fun and exciting stuff. As much of importance if anyone making a translation or picture, doing the grind stuff that makes up organisations.
- If anyone at any point doesn’t feel appreciated, heard, well guided or anything like that – raise it with me, please. I want us all to leave a legacy, when we leave this place and I am working towards employing all of you in the future, if you would wish to.Thank you
Anna K